Since 2016, we’ve amplified the individuals, businesses & orgs who are boots on the ground everyday trying to make the world a better place. We’re proud to launch The Amplifier Grant as the next extension of that work, awarding at least $5,000 in funds every season.

what it is
The Amplifier Grant is a fund by The Outrage accepting applications on a rolling basis with at least $5,000 in funds awarded on a seasonal basis (ie. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall).
After 7+ years of building resources and tools to help everyday people make the world a better place, in whatever shape that takes, we’re excited to launch a seasonal grant award as an extension of our work.
As times change, so do our needs and funding gaps remain a consistent barrier for getting projects or businesses off the ground. We recognize and celebrate that change can happen in a variety of forms and this grant aims to find the do-ers of the world whether it’s through a small business, community organization, or anything in between. The Amplifier Grant was set up with one goal in mind: to get funds in the hands of people trying to make the world a better place.


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How do I apply for the grant? -
You can apply for the grant by following this link and filling out the application. You'll be prompted to pay the non-refundable $15 application fee upon submission.
When will I find out if I’m the winner of a Grant award? -
Grants are awarded on a seasonal basis (ie. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall). We strive to meet the following schedule:
- Winter Grant application closes Dec 31st; grant awarded in January
- Spring Grant application closes March 31st; grant awarded in April
- Summer Grant application closes June 30th; grant awarded in July
- Fall Grant application closes September 30th; grant awarded in October
How do you select Grant winners? What criteria do you use to select grant recipients? -
We review and evaluate grant applications on a rolling basis. After selecting finalists we vote for the winner. Criteria used to assess applications includes:
- Your mission — Clearly stating how your project, business, or organization makes the world a better place
- Current goals — Clearly stating your goals or priorities for the next six months. Are the goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound?
- Plans for the grant money — Clearly stating how your project, business, or organization intends to use the funds.
- Diversification of grant portfolio — We strive to award grants to a diverse group of projects, businesses, and organizations. This includes awarding to a range of entities diverse in organization size, annual budget, issues they’re tackling, tactics used, and more. We welcome applications from all with a strong belief that the people closest to the problems are the people closest to the solutions.
What are the eligibility requirements to apply for The Amplifier Grant? -
Projects or organizations should be actively working on efforts to make the world a better place in the United States. Does this sound broad? Good, because it is! You could be a bakery or an afterschool program or more — if you’re making change, we want to hear about it. All entities ranging from high school projects, grassroots organizations, nonprofits, startups, businesses, and more are encouraged to apply.
May I reapply? -
Yes, you can reapply but we encourage doing this when something significant has changed to your project/organization or circumstances that have positively impacted your work since your last application.
Why do you charge an application fee? -
Simply put, the fee makes the Amplifier Grant — and the operations that come with it — possible. The application fee is non-refundable.
I have another question not featured on your FAQs. -
Feel free to send us an email at and include the words [Amplifier Grant] in the subject line.